Celebrity News: President Obama says Trayvon Martin could have been him 35 years ago

President Barack Obama shared his honest feelings about Trayvon Martin's death.  He allegedly stated on this following video, 'Trayvon Martin could have been me 35 years ago,' and we know that's the truth.  We may not always fully agree with our president, but we must say he is the most courageous leader of this country in American history. 

According to myfoxdc.com, Obama's personal comments, in a surprise appearance in the White House press room, marked his most extensive discussion of race as president. For Obama, who has written about his own struggles with racial identity but often has shied away from the subject in office, the speech signaled an unusual embrace of his standing as the nation's first black president and the longing of many African-Americans for him to give voice to their experiences. 

Spiritually, one of the most important things we must realize about President Obama, is that he is not a man of fear, but a man of courage.   Therefore, God is able to fix anything else that could be negative about him, which is not in line with His Word.  God bless President Obama.

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President Obama comments on Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman verdict

By Associated Press

In a rare and public reflection on race, President Barack Obama called on the nation Friday to do some soul searching over the death of Trayvon Martin and the acquittal of his shooter, saying the slain black teenager "could have been me 35 years ago." Empathizing with the pain of...Read full article, here.
Source, photo and video: http://www.myfoxdc.com


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