Atheist monument added to Florida county courthouse lawn

Now that this monument has been added to Florida county courthouse, it's a reminder that we need to seek God for America to repent.   Saints of God, we are living in a wicked age.  Whenever the next tragedy hits America, watch many people began praying, again.  It's very hypocritical to call on God whenever something bad happens in this country, but repent or not evem fight for our rights as Christians.

Around 30 years ago, who would have thought the some atheists would be so proud to have their own monument and the law not stop them?  They have placed it near the Ten Commandments, which is a terrible thing.

According to, the atheist group American Atheists had sued to try to have the Ten Commandments monument removed. The case was settled when the group was told it could have its own monument. 

When are all the celebrity preachers like Bishop T. D. Jakes and Bishop Eddie Long going to start running revivals against this demonic spirit that is flaunting itself in the face of Christians?   Instead of mostly focusing on prosperity, we pray that average preachers began stressing righteousness and constant fasting and prayer.   America should not have to allow a monument that honors atheism, when it used to be a time our country was based on strict biblical principles.

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Atheist monument added to Florida county courthouse lawn

An atheist group who sued to try to have a Ten Commandments monument removed from a Florida courthouse lawn has instead added its own monument there.

The monument to atheism now sits next to a stone slab with the Ten Commandments carved into it at the...Read full article, here.

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