Black Church News: Bishop E. W. Jackson Will Not Struggle In His Campaign Because He Is a Black, Conservative Christian

The question was asked if Bishop E.W. Jackson will struggle in his campaign because he is a black, conservative Christian.   SCR says absolutely not, this true man of God will not struggle.   If President Barack Obama can allegedly support a lifestyle which does not agree with God and have many supporters, then why should we question the success of a holy man who happens to be a black, conservative Christian?

According to, Jackson's critics seem to overlook the fact that he is a former Marine and graduate of Harvard Law School; his credentials are overshadowed by his race-he's black.  

We ask you righteous believers within the black church, when are people going to learn that God has power to place his children in leadership over this country, regardless of race.   If God can bless Bishop Jackson to become lieutenant governor of Virginia, then He does not have to struggle, because of what people think about him.  Why should we righteous saints of God live our lives worried about this ancient race issue?  Furthermore, we do not have to be liberal because we are black, we can choose to be conservative, because we are God's children.   Therefore, we will not have a much harder time disagreeing and not merging with liberalism.   Race is irrelevant because we live in diverse society more than ever and white supremacy does not seem to rule as years ago.   Therefore to think Bishop E. W. Jackson will struggle based on the color of his skin, is ludicrous.

It's time for those whom are holy to realize God has been waiting for someone like Bishop Jackson to courageously become a politician.   It's time for the righteous saints of God to rule America, regardless of whatever race they are.   This subject of race is a trick of the Devil and he is still trying to use it through his ignorant children, so we cannot rule in government, but we will not allow him to win.  In God's Word, He told us to rule in government, so how can being black stop anyone or cause them to struggle?


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