Judge Orders Mom to Change Baby’s Name From Messiah to Martin

Of course, we've heard of Jesus in Spanish, pronounced with an H.  However, we agree with the judge, the name Messiah should belong to only Jesus Christ.  In our opinion, it's very dangerous for any mother to name their child, Messiah, for the child may grow up thinking they are the Son of God.  A Tennessee mother did not think it was any harm, but the judge taught her a lesson.

According to KTLA.com, “...the word Messiah is a title and it’s a title that has only been earned by one person and that one person is Jesus Christ,” the judge told WBIR-TV, a local channel.

We agree with the judge and sincerely hope other mothers would be wise not to name their child in place of the Son of God, Jesus Christ.  For He is the only Messiah who died on the cross for each and every one of us and no person should ever think of themselves equal to Him or should carry His name.  Thank God we have a judge who fears God in this age of mass rebellion within our American society.

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Judge Orders Mom to Change Baby’s Name From Messiah to Martin

NEWPORT, Tenn. — A Tennessee mother has appealed a judge’s decision to change her 7-month-old baby’s name from Messiah to Martin.

The trouble started when Jaleesa Martin and the baby’s father could not agree on a last name, so they took the...Read full article, here. 

Source, photo and video: http://ktla.com


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