Pat Robertson says gay people in San Francisco use sharp rings to spread AIDS: Ignorance?

Now, we agree with God's Word, homosexuality is wrong.  However, we do not agree with any 'so-call' Christian always singling out San Francisco and not the rest of the country.  Some ignorant people always focus on gay people in San Francisco as though that is the only place where they exist, and that's wrong.

According to, Robertson told his audience: "You know what they do in San Francisco? Some of the gay community there, they want to get people. So, if they've got the stuff, they'll have a ring. You shake hands and the ring's got a little thing where you cut your finger." "Really. I mean it's that kind of vicious stuff, which would be the equivalent of murder." 

Where is the evidence that gays in San Francisco have worn sharp rings to spread AIDS?  Aren't there gays all over America now? Furthermore, homosexuals have always been all over America, for many years.  You see, this type of ignorance is why some people turn away from the church.

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Pat Robertson says gay people in San Francisco use sharp rings to ‘get people’ and spread AIDS

SAN FRANCISCO—Televangelist Pat Robertson learns something new every day, it seems.

On Tuesday, the host of the “700 Club” alerted his viewers of a little known threat facing those who would dare set foot in San Francisco.

"You know what they do in San Francisco? Some of the gay community there...Read full article, here.

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